Algoritmo de dibujo lineal de Bresenham VB.NET
Algoritmo de dibujo lineal de Bresenham EN VISUAL BASIC.NET
Public Sub DrawLine(ByRef btmp As Bitmap, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, _
ByVal endX As Integer, ByVal endY As Integer, ByVal newColor As Color)
Dim dx As Integer = Math.Abs(endX - x) ' calculate the change in x
Dim dy As Integer = Math.Abs(endY - y) ' calculate the change in y
Dim sx As Integer = Math.Sign(endX - x) ' calculate the sign of the change in x (pos/neg)
Dim sy As Integer = Math.Sign(endY - y) ' calculate the sign of the change in y (pos/neg)
Dim err As Integer = dx - dy ' calculate error (change in x minus change in y)
Dim e2 As Integer = 0 ' initialize twice error to zero
' while the (x,y) vertex is not equal
' to any of the (endX,endY) coordinates
While Not (x = endX AndAlso y = endY)
' if the x- and y-coordinates are within the bounds of the image
If x >= 0 AndAlso x < btmp.Width AndAlso y >= 0 AndAlso y < btmp.Height Then
btmp.SetPixel(x, y, newColor) ' color current pixel the new color
End If
' calculate twice the error
e2 = 2 * err
' if twice error is greater than
' the negative change in y
If e2 > -dy Then
err -= dy ' Subtract the change in y from the error
x += sx ' increment/decrement x by the change in its sign from x to endX
End If
' if twice error is less
' than the change in x
If e2 < dx Then
err += dx ' Add the change in x to the error
y += sy ' increment/decrement y by the change in its sign from y to endY
End If
End While
End Sub
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